A Toronto Photographer's Guide to Toronto Photographers

Note to hire photographer, Toronto photographer Robert RaftonIf you have a special occasion to commemorate, want a great image of the family, what have you, choosing a photographer can be a difficult decision. At various times clients have told me horror stories about other photographers they've hired who didn't turn out to be quite as good as they'd hoped. Now, gleaned from this real eyewitness testimony and purely as a public service, I offer a few ways you can be sure the photographer you've hired (or are about to) may not be right for the job:

1) The word 'photographer' is misspelled on his website.
2) When you call to make a booking he asks if he can borrow your camera for the shoot.
3) He admits he really hates children but will take a picture of your kids anyhow.
4) He insists on appearing beside you in all of your photographs.
5) He actually says 'Say Cheese' before he snaps each image.
6) One of his relatives is a Nigerian prince who needs your help.
7) He charges extra for focusing.
8) It's an engagement shoot and he tells the bride-to-be she could do better.
9) He claims a one-year delivery time for prints is 'industry standard'.

Spotting even one of these danger signs could mean you have a real problem. But always remember that most professional photographers really do a great job and that they can capture images you simply couldn't get any other way.