Earlier today I swung down to check out the show at Toronto's Direct Energy Centre. I promised I'd report on the organic wine, but it turns out they were only offering serious wine tastings. Tickets are required and even with a media pass there's no way to just drop in and get a little sip. When I found this out I'll admit I began to lose all interest in saving the environment...that is until I met the organic beer exhibitor!!
This was Nickel Brook Beer. I think it's even possible this guy is the owner, but I had trouble following what he was saying because the beer was so good. I got a sample of the organic lager and all joking aside, I'm a pretty knowledgeable beer connoisseur and this is good beer. Very crisp and full. It's available now at the LCBO and will be at the Brewer's Retail in a few months.
After some beer I had a powerful urge to drive. And very fast. But in keeping with the spirit of the occasion I wanted to limit myself to electric cars only. Where was I going to find a really, fast electric car?
Yup, that's the famous Tesla Roadster all right. You can see even now it's plugged in and getting juiced up. I asked nicely several times and then got pretty threatening but they wouldn't let me drive it.
So what other green issues do I care about besides beer and sports cars? Chocolate!
This is Zoe from Genuine Health purposely doing an impression of an overenthusiastic product spokesperson. In real life she was very charming and let me have some tiny chocolates that are designed to improve skin tone and are choco-filled with antioxidants. They were chocolate though, and I decided I needed something a little less decadent.
I saw a very button-downed, uptight businessman and asked him where I should go.
He was nice but had no suggestions. Next I found Ladan here...
She was nice too, and the proof is she's a photographer which by definition makes her a good person. It also turns out she and her husband make these awesome organic food bars that sell under the name Taste of Nature. They come in all sorts of exotic flavours.
There were other products I liked. Bee's Wax candles from Clapham's in BC...
I love hot, spicy food and there was excellent hot sauce made and demonstrated by Hot Mamas. It's not just hot, it's salt-free, which is pretty unique I think.
And just so you don't think I'm all frivolous, here are two beekeepers.
They were from the Toronto Beekeepers Cooperative. They told me about a couple of causes one of which was Not Far From the Tree. What these folks do is help you tend fruit trees in your backyard so the fruit can be harvested and distributed instead of simply wasted. I can remember that the plums in my backyard as a kid usually went to waste so this seems like an awfully cool idea.
I tend to walk around pretty haphazardly at these events so realize this is by no means an exhaustive or scientific list of the good things at the show. It runs the rest of the weekend. Don't miss it!