Like I've said before I really don't like to do tech reviews here because it's stuff most people just don't care about, and shouldn't care about, but I did drop by
Henry's Photographic, Video and Digital Imaging Show yesterday at the International Centre near the airport.
They let you bring in your own camera equipment but be forewarned that they check the serial numbers at the door and if you didn't buy your lens at Henry's they set it on fire and then toss it around.

Okay, I'm making that up. They did have a display where you can check out all kinds of lenses, including this massive Nikon 600mm.

For lonely and/or creepy middle-aged male photographers they also had a couple of model shoots all pre-lit and set up so you can fire off shots of your own. I've thoughtfully cropped these so you can see that there's stuff behind the backdrop.

They also offer classes on how to use an iMac, and these were very popular so get there early and reserve a spot if you're interested.

The only sort of tech review I will offer is that I tried out the new Sony Nex cameras. These are digital minicams that shoot HD video and also use interchangable lenses along with a detachable flash and viewfinder. The shutter lag on these seems to be all but non-existent, shutter lag being a continuing problem with all small digital cameras, especially if you're taking shots of people. Though I only played with them a few minutes they seemed pretty impressive. They won't be available till June.

Henry's show runs the rest of the weekend.